Sentiero 419: Malghe Lifretto (Schilpario) - Giovetto di Paline - Azzone (path called “long trail”)

    In breve


    In autumn 2017 (and late spring 2018) maintenance of roadside and new marking has been done on the trail. In addition, departure and arrival points have been modified to improve the connection of the path to the existing trail network.
    The starting point is just below the Red Hut at Cimalbosco near Rifugio Bagozza (signpost on the right). After a short stretch, the trail always lies on the left orographic side of the Scalve valley. After about 20 minutes’ walk, you get crossroad with 428 path. Beyond the lower Lifetto hut, climb on a steep stretch up to 1560 m and then on constant slope path, get the Ezendola hut (1600 m - crossroad with 421 path). Following, you pass by the Roccolo (Bird-hunting hut at 1676 m) and then slope down to the old Epolo chairlift station (crossroad with 422 path). Go around a ridge and get Voia hut (crossroad with 423 path), then, following westward and crossing several valleys, reach the Clusorina bird-hunting hut and Fienile del Colle (barn at 1462 m - crossroad with 429 path). Cross two more valleys to Fienile le Some (barn and crossroad with 425 path) and follow along the hillside of Costa della Stadera. Cross the canals of the head of the Gogna valley and climb up to a pond (signpost) on Costone ridge. The watershed marks the border between Bergamo and Brescia provinces and the 419 path ends. You can follow on the paths No. 102 and No. 83 to Rifugio San Fermo (Brescia province) or on the No. 419A path descending to Giovetto di Paline pass (1275 m). From the pass you can return to Azzone or go on to Palline hamlet (Borno).

    ca. 1700 m
    ca. 1900 m
    circa 20000 metri
    Profilo altimetrico
    Carta Escursionistica della Provincia di Bergamo
    Tavola 03
    E: Escursionistico