The path called “Carezzola” is an old mule track in the hilly area located north-west from Villa di Serio (330 m.) The mule track connects the valley floor road, marked by Capla torrent, with the Cagnolo pass (410 m.), located among Villa di Serio and Scanzorosciate’s hills. The mule track starts from the valley floor near Artifoni mountain house and it goes softly up. Then it goes into a copse wood and in 30 minutes, you get to the Cagnolo pass, passing over Fontana and Frana mountain houses. By the Cagnolo saddle, the mule track crosses the ridge path that gets to Bastia Hill toward west and to “Tribulina di Gavarno toward east, where it meets path 513.
translated from the class 2D del corso "Tecnico dei servizi di animazione turistico-sportiva e del tempo libero" di Clusone