The path starts by the little Saint Mary’s church (XVI century) located close to Comenduno’s parish church. You walk up onto an easy mule track as far as the Alpini’s chapel and from here you get near Cornello’s valley (crossing point with path 520). When you reach the fork leading to Merà’s place, you take the mule track past “Pradel” mountain lodge and you carry on walking by Albe’s spring. Then you meet first path 520 (end of path 538 – 950 meters high), then “Büs de la Cavra” (Goat’s hole) and, after a short spurt, you get to Ganda’s place.
translated from the class 2D del corso "Tecnico dei servizi di animazione turistico-sportiva e del tempo libero" di Clusone
ca. 600 m
Quota massima
circa 965 m s.l.m.
Quota minima
circa 370 m s.l.m.
circa 4000 metri
Profilo altimetrico
Carta Escursionistica della Provincia di Bergamo