From Gorno village reach Alpe Grina (1115 m) on the paved road following the signs “Rifugi alpini” / “Aree minerarie" (Alpine Huts / Mining areas). Just beyond a plate of prohibition of transit, on the left, there is a small parking area to leave your car. Follow the road for a short stretch to reach, on the right, the CAI 263 path (overlapped with 260 path – see the signpost)
Climbing shortly, you reach the "Pozza de Fornàs" (pond, at height 1163 m) and then the crossroad where paths 260 and 263 split. Go straight, leaving on the right the 260 pathl leading to Rifugio Baita Golla. The well-traced path, between clearings and coniferous woods, leads comfortably to the base of the steep slope to Bivacco Telini hut (1647 m, winter shelter always open, don’t miss the hut end-summer party made every year on fourth Sunday of August). Just beyond the hut, you reach the top of Preda Balaranda (1653 m), then follow downhill to a pass (crossroad to “Baita Alta di Grem” (upper hut of Grem Mount) and to 223 path in about 20 min., see the signs). From the pass climb up on a ridge and follow the nearly flat track running in a stream heading to “Bivacco Mistri” (hut), reaching it easily (1780 m, emergency shelter always open, don’t miss hut party made every year on last Sunday of July). Follow northward (see signpost) the 263 path (now overlapped with 223 path) to reach in about 30 min. the Bocchetta di Grem (Grem gap) (1976 m) between Monte Grem and Cima Foppazzi.
Turn left and climb, in about 15 min., the steep slope to the top of Cima Grem (visible cross on it) (2049 m, 3 hours after start). The cross, split in pieces, was carried on shoulder on the top and placed there in 1962 in memory of Don Severino Tiraboschi (a priest) of Gorno.
Returned to the gap, if you like, climb right on the grassy slopes of Cima Foppazzi (2097 m), touching the top with a small stone cairn in about 20 minutes. From both tops, you enjoy a wonderful panorama
Along the 263-path you can also reach another top of a mount (less known) called “il Pulpito” (the Pulpit). From the pass just near the Preda Balaranda, leave the 263-path and climb the steep and grassy rib in front of you. Walking between grass and rocks, in around 30 min, you reach the top (1863 m), unusual and good point of view

Sentieri collegati
Bivacco Telini (1647 m, locale invernale sempre aperto, da non perdere la festa del bivacco ogni quarta domenica di agosto)