Sentiero 129: Olmo al Brembo - Roccolo di Calche (incrocio 119)

    In breve

    Get Olmo al Brembo on main road SP1 heading Mezzoldo; just beyond the bridge of SP8 road leading to Cusio and Averara you find the old Bridge of Olmo. In front it lies the starting point of 129 path (overlapped on which 129A to the deviation signs “to practice cliff”). The first stretch is a mule track that once was the "Valley Road", used before the building of Priula road, at the end of the sixteenth century. The mule track climbs up behind the houses with a first steep stretch to the crossroads above the Municipal Sport Centre. Here leave the mule track, turn right and climb steeply in the woods, with two hairpin bends, and follow toward Piazza Brembana.
    Get the second crossroad to the practice cliff (Corna del Dente), turn left, according to signs to Roccolo di Calche. After a few meters at a new crossroad with a wooden signpost, go straight, leaving on the left the path to the cliff. The trail follows steeply with some hairpin bends in the woods. After a short stretch you get a clearing, and, near a power line pylon, the path climbs steeply few meters, to a crossroad. Turn left northward along the remains of stone drywalls and get the first bird-hunting hut (730 m) that is just behind the Corna del Dente peak (visible summit cross). Near the hut the path turns eastward and follows straight along the watershed between the south-west and the northwest side of Monte Sole. At 800 m a.s.l. there is a beautiful hunting hut (with table and wooden benches), the path continues about 200 m nearly flat to a large meadow with Baita del Tampel (hut at 820mt).
    Neglect the obvious the path leading to the hut and continue in the wood along the boundary of the meadow to a new crossroad. Go straight, leaving the flat track to the right. After 30 minutes of walk from the hut, at 940 m, you reach a viewpoint called “Corna dei Dardi” where you see a spectacular overhanging cliff (940 m). Climb 100 meters of altitude and get a grassy ridge with two other beautiful bird-hunting huts very close one to the other (1040 m). From here you can see the rocky summit of Corna Rossa Peak. Here there is the crossroad of the path coming from Piazzolo (North direction) and from Piazza Brembana (southeast direction) – signposts but no CAI numbering
    Follow the directions to Torcola with number 129. The path continues on the southern slopes of Corna Rossa reaching a viewpoint overlooking Piazzolo and Piazzatorre at 1180m, not far from the last hunting hut (1190m). From the hunting hut, reach a crossroad (1230 m). Turn left (on the right the path to Piazza Brembana) and climb in a dense forest of fir trees. Following on the northern slopes of Monte Sole, on a nearly flat path, reach in little more than 10 minutes Roccolo di Calche: crossroads of many paths coming from the Piazzolo (Cai N. 122), Piazza Brembana (Cai N. 123), Valnegra (Cai No. 119), From this point, the path to Torcole Mont takes the number 119.

    ca. 735 m
    Quota massima
    circa 1300 m s.l.m.
    Quota minima
    circa 542 m s.l.m.
    circa 3290 metri
    Percorso in discesa
    circa 50 metri

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