The path begins on the left of 268 path near the Lago Nero Dam (2013 m) just above the Rifugio having the same name. The first flat stretch of the path heads south to the Aviasco valley. Here it climbs for a short stretch, then goes downhill to the pastures of the Corna Hut (1943 m). With some ups and downs it crosses the east slope of Salina Peak and reaches the meadows of the Costa of Corna Rossa (1780 m). Here there is - since 2011 - the white statue of a Madonna with Child, looking at the village of Valgoglio. Turning right, enter the Sanguigno Valley and go downhill along the slope of the valley. You pass from Middle Salina hut (1595 m) and then you reach the bottom of the valley at 1400 m. Here you cross the 265 path (leading to Valcanale) and the 232 path. Following the latter one (overlapped on 267 path), go downstream in the Sanguigno Valley to the Aviasco (ENEL) power plant at 970 m.