The loop path n.520 starts from S. Maria small church, placed upline the parish church in Comenduno. In a few minutes you get to the Alpini’s chapel and then you keep walking as far as you get to a little road that you soon leave following the signs that takes you left – just near a building – to Madonna del Narciso. The path goes up into the wood as far as you reach the commemorative stone in memory of A. Marinelli, posed at the bottom of suggestive mountain faces. Following path 520’s signs you get to some fixed stepladder that help you to overpass a small gap among the rocks. Then you reach the peculiar Corna Anesì, that is a big rock in balance over the underlying Seriana Valley. So you shortly get up to “Madonnina del Narciso” – a panoramic balcony opposite to Monte Misma with a marvellous view over the lower Seriana valley. The path goes on a slight slope toward west and then it keeps going up Monte Rena’s south side passing near S. Luigi’s cross as far as you get to Monte Rena’s grassy peak (1143 m.) Here you can find some big repeaters and it’s a popular meeting point of many paragliders’ lovers. As you pass over the mountain top, toward north, you find a little road. Follow it for about 20 minutes as far as you get to Ganda’s lovely community (1067 m.) At the little square you find the paths’ signs - n.520, n.538, n.521, n.522. Follow the signs and, just underneath the residential area, you find a little darken deep chasm badly protected by a short small gate. That is the “Büs de la Cavra” (the Goat’s hole). A bit farther, path 538 starts flatly on the right, while path 520 keep on going downward on the left. You keep walking into the wood. (Signs are rare but you can’t have any doubts about the path to follow.) You pass by a spring/drinking trough and you keep on going down as far as you meet two mountain houses. Just downline the second of them there’s a fork. Keep right following the 520 sign as far as you get to the hollow field called “Merà” (that is also reachable from Rova’s community in Gazzaniga). From Merà you get a wide view over the lower Seriana valley. Among the houses composing this very small suburb, you find path 520’s sign. The track is still flat and points first toward south and then south-west. After a while you find a fork with signs and farther again a fork without signs. At the second one, take the path on the left going downward. A bit downline you meet an easy rocky pass called “la scala” (the staircase), equipped with hand-ropes to help hikers. The path continues then flatly up to a little valley with a rock pool and a creek: you are by the “Pé del diaol” (the devil’s foot) and here you can read a plate with the related legend. You shortly reach a place where you can see Comenduno’s village. The big parish church where you left the car is now in plain sight and you have only to walk 300 meters to get there again.
N.B. The route partially overlaps some local paths and you often find two sorts of signs. In the first stretch of track n.1, 2,4 and 6 (Agostino Noris); in the last stretch n. 3 and 6 (Agostino Noris).
translated from the class 2D del corso "Tecnico dei servizi di animazione turistico-sportiva e del tempo libero" di Clusone