The path starts near the cemetery of Fiumenero village (790 m, high Val Seriana valley) which is located at the beginning of the village. Climb the Fiumenero valley along the orographic right side of the river and cross the forest, with moderate slope. Beyond Valsecca valley, cross the creek (1105 m) and pass on the left orographic side (now - on your right - you cross the path that goes down to the parking area placed at the end of Fiumenero village: this path is a possible alternative). Now the path continues and begins to rise faster, until you reach the plain of the Cascina di Campo farmhouse (1380 m). Then you will arrive soon to the “dell'Aser” valley, that you cross by a wooden bridge (about 1600 m). From here, the track rises really faster, by numerous hairpin turns, gaining a lot in altitude until to cross the path n° 225 (CENTRAL-EASTERN OROBIE TRAIL / SENTIERO DELLE OROBIE CENTRO-ORIENTALI ) coming from the Calvi Hut. Going along a short stretch shared with such path, you will arrive soon at Baroni al Brunone Hut (2295 m).
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