Leave your car in the small parking area on the side of the road at Zambla Pass. Follow the dirt road heading north (see signposts), at the first crossroad keep the right and quickly reach a little chapel dedicated to Madonna of Caravaggio (1251 m, 5 '). Follow to the right, see the sign on a high voltage pole (223/238), at the beginning the road is nearly flat then goes downhill till a crossroad: you are at Cascine Sinelli (1238 m)(Farmers’ Huts), you see them slightly above. Go on following the signs, straight downhill for about 20 meters (the left dirt road climbs to other huts and then stops) till the end of the dirt road where two paths start. Keep the left one (the right one leads to Rifugio Alpe Grem, as per vertical signposts in place): quickly you reach a second crossroad, go on straight and then at a further crossroad the 223 path leaves the overlapped 238 path which climbs left to Baita Camplano. Follow right, as per signpost in place and the signs, on the path that climbs gently with hairpin bends in a beautiful beech forest till the pastures of the Baita Grem di Mezzo (Grem Middle hut) (1457 m). Reached the hut follow the dirt road gently climbing to the crossroad with 239 path, coming up from Plazza d'Oneta. Follow the path climbing left on pastures (see the signs in place) go beyond a pond used to give water to the livestock, and get with a little fatigue the Baita Alta di Grem (Upper Grem Hut) (1631 m). From the hut, follow the signs for about half an hour leading to the small but pretty Bivacco Mistri (Hut) (1780 m, emergency shelter always open, do not miss the hut party every last Sunday of July). Keep the north direction (see signs on site) and follow the path 223 -now overlapped with 263 path-, to get in about 30 minutes Bocchetta di Grem (Grem gap) (1976 m) between Cima Grem and Cima Foppazzi. Now climb steeply left toward the near and visible cross on top of Grem (2049 m), It takes about 15 minutes (3 hours from the start). The cross, splitted in pieces, was carried on shoulder on the top and placed there in 1962 in memory of Don Severino Tiraboschi (a priest) of Gorno. Returned to the gap, if you like it, climb right on the grassy slopes of Cima Foppazzi (2097 m), touching the top with a small stone in about 20 minutes. From both tops, you enjoy a wonderful panorama.

Sentieri collegati
Bivacco Mistri (1780 m, locale di emergenza sempre aperto, da non perdere la festa del bivacco ogni ultima domenica di luglio)